Low chem

First of a generation of ” Green Plates “

High resolution thermal plate

IBF ECOPLATE T Thermal chemistry free offset plate

* Coming soon in 2013 * – A high resolution thermal plate designed for medium to long runs, the ECOPLATE T does not use regular developer-processing after imaging ( therefore eliminating the need for automatic plate processors and aggressive alkaline developers ) but will require passing through a simple rinse & gum unit before going to press.


This is a new negative thermal plate that is Low Chem, the first of a generation of ” Green Plates ” to be launched by IBF. The “T ” stands for “thermal “.

A high resolution thermal plate designed for medium to long runs, the ECOPLATE T does not use regular developer-processing after imaging ( therefore eliminating the need for automatic plate processors and aggressive alkaline developers ) but will require passing through a simple rinse & gum unit before going to press.

Press room operators will appreciate the seeing the image on the plate prior to printing.